Our research, in partnership with the Telfer School of Business, has developed a deeper understanding of the effectiveness of managers. It shows that managers in a cross section of various sized organizations report spending only 55% of their time on value-added work....
Most organization have strategies in place. In my experience, organizations are generally pretty good at strategizing.But most strategies fail to deliver – 70% according to multiple research studies. Successful strategy execution requires a high performing...
Kelwin Management Consulting and TK3 Consulting to provide Effective ManagersTM Manager Assessment and Effective Point of Accountability® services in Western Canada Winnipeg, Canada.Dwight Mihalicz, President of Effective ManagersTM announced today the signing of an...
Palma Consulting to provide Effective ManagersTM Manager Assessment and Effective Point of Accountability® services. Amman, Jordan. Dwight Mihalicz, President of Effective ManagersTM and Tamara Abdel-Jaber, co-founder and executive board member at Palma Consulting,...
As 2015 draws to a close, most of us reflect on our accomplishments of the year, and look forward to our opportunities and challenges in the New Year. And if you are like me, while there is much that has been accomplished, there are things left undone. As managers,...
“Failing to plan is planning to fail.” This great quote from Alan Lakein is pretty well know and the down-sides of not planning are well respected. In my experience as a consultant, most organizations have a strategic plan in place, and most are pretty good. So why...
Complex times call for serious solutions. Dwight’s breadth and depth of experience, knowledge, and organizational know-how are integral in making our solutions work for your organization.