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As an Owner or CEO you know that training is essential for a high performing organization. If you are getting the sense that most training misses the mark, you would be right. Most training for managers is determined based on symptoms as opposed to root causes. Check out this article if you’d like to learn more.

At Effective Managers™ we have created a wealth of resources for you to help your managers navigate through the daily churn of organizational life to focus on root cause issues.

For free resources, please visit and subscribe to the Effective ManagersTM YouTube Channel, where you will be able to find a full selection of our free Videos and short Webinars.

Check out the resources below or more in-depth courses that you, your executives or your managers can take to understand and resolve root-cause issues that may be hampering your organization from reaching its full potential. We have partnered with service providers and offer some course directly. By clicking one each resource below you can learn more about the course and its applicability. If it is for you, you can click through to access this recorded session so you can learn on your schedule and at your pace. Many course come with materials to support your application of the learning.

Flevy Executive Learning

Flevy Executive Learning is a series of online management education programs. They help leaders of tomorrow—i.e. those on track to the C-suite in the next 1-5 years—accelerate their career growth to become successful business executives. The focus of each program is on execution, implementation, and application—not on theory. All programs are led by former executives who have “done it” before. Each program is comprised of both Learning & Application (L&A) lectures and Q&A discussion sessions; and will draw extensively from the instructor’s real world experience as a business executive.

Effective Managers™ has partnered to provide in-depth learning experiences in a recorded environment so you can learn at your pace. This is combined with a live Q&A session to giev you teh ebst of both worlds.  

Empowerment 4.0

Empowerment 4.0 teaches you what they don’t teach about managing in management school.


FREE Introduction

You can also check out this free 30-minute introduction for an overview of the Empowerment 4.0 course.


Ijona Skills

Effective Managers has partnered with Ijona Skills to provide training support for organizations.

Ijona Skills creates and delivers comprehensive industry relevant training sessions. These sessions are simple, interactive and cost effective. They are a predominantly web based information exchange forum.

Effective Managers is delighted to be partnered with Ijona Skills so we can provide on demand training on topics of interest to you.

Successful Managers vs Effective Managers: Yes there is a Difference

This webinar can help you understand the key elements of effective managers, and why your most successful people are not necessarily the most effective.


In addition top our paid training resources, we provide a large amount of video content on the Effective Managers™ YouTube Channel, Check it out. We try to keep the videos in a VidCast format to give you insights in less than ten minutes. In addition, there are some longer recorded webinars that are freely available.

Please subscribe to the channel. This means YouTube will inform you when new content is posted. Your information will not be used in any other way.

Dwight Mihalicz MBA, CMC
Complex times call for serious solutions. Dwight’s breadth and depth of experience, knowledge, and organizational know-how are integral in making our solutions work for your organization.

Contact us today!

