Effective Managers is pleased to offer a wide array of complimentary and paid resources for your organization. Effective managers can also be successful managers. Check out these resources to help yo be successful in driving team and organizational performance..
White Paper – Is AI Technology on the Verge of Displacing Humans?
AI – Artificial Intelligence – is in the news. AI is not new. In fact, our lives have already been made much better because of AI – for which a better term would be Augmented Intelligence. AI is based on sophisticated and complex algorithms that help us make our lives easier. With the release of Chat GPT, again, not really new, there is renewed fervor of the possibility of AI taking over our jobs. In this white paper, AI is explored for the perspective of what it is, how it can help, how it can harm, and the implications for professionals.
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White Paper – Organization Design
Most writing on organizational theory looks at organization design as a form of high level “art”. Should the right design take into account the organization’s functions? Does it reflect products and services, or perhaps a divisional alignment? Or should it follow a hybrid or matrix structure? While there are countless ways to design an organization, there is in fact a science to the process.
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White Paper – Empowerment 4.0
The Employee Engagement Solution that Works! A manager’s role is not an easy one. Everyone in the organization that has accountability for a team needs to both lead and manage that team. We call this managerial leadership. This means the owner or CEO, the executives, and the managers throughout the organization all need to do their managerial leadership work. How do you get the best out of your team? You need to set enough context that they can make decisions and take initiatives that are consistent with what you (as their manager) need the team to accomplish. At Effective Managers™ we call this Empowerment.
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3 Capabilities of an Effective Manager
Manager effectiveness drives organizational performance. For managers to be effective, they must have the capability to do the work.
What are the 3 capabilities must be in place for managers to be effective?
Find out in this free download.
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The Unique and Critical Role of the CEO
There is only one CEO per organization, but what makes this role so unique? Why is it critical to organizational performance? This companion paper to the 6 Key Functions of a CEO starts with the positioning of the CEO role. This paper will help CEOs and aspiring CEOs understand the complexity of the role and how it is so different from any other role in the organization.
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The Effective Point of Accountability™
Organizations are increasingly being held accountable. But what does that mean for individuals in the organization? Concepts like “single point of accountability” and “lowest point of accountability” help. But they are not sufficient. This document works through the concept of accountability as it applies to managers and employees throughout the organization. It then provides concrete examples of how organizations can establish accountability for work as it flows down the organization, and as it flows across the organization.
Purchase - The Effective Point of Accountability®
Organizations are increasingly being held accountable. But what does that mean for individuals in the organization? Concepts like “single point of accountability” and “lowest point of accountability” help. But they are not sufficient. This document works through the concept of accountability as it applies to managers and employees throughout the organization. It then provides concrete examples of how organizations can establish accountability for work as it flows down the organization, and as it flows across the organization.
Thanks for your interest in our EffectiveManagers™ Resources! We may contact you to ensure you received the product and determine if you have any questions, but your contact information will never be divulged to another party. If you find this information helpful, please spread the word! If you have any questions or comments, please call or email Dwight.
5 Requirements of an Effective Manager
The most important relationship in an organization is the one between the manager and the manager’s subordinates. As a result, the organization’s overall performance is largely driven by the effectiveness of its managers. So how do the most effective managers manage? In this PDF we discuss in detail the 5 requirements of effective management.
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6 Key Functions of a CEO
It’s where the buck stops. But what are today’s most effective CEOs doing to maximize organizational performance? At Effective Managers™ we believe there are 6 Key Functions for which a CEO must maintain personal accountability to ensure that the organizations business model and strategy are consistently and reliably translated into action. They are detailed in this pdf.
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Are Your Managers Effective?
What is really going on inside organizations that make it so difficult for managers to be effective in their jobs? This white paper documents ground breaking research partnered with the University of Ottawa. You will gain an understanding of the key factors driving this ineffectiveness, and the one key thing that organizations should focus on to improve performance.
Purchase - Are your Managers Effective?
Why do your best managers return home every evening feeling bad about what they didn’t get done instead of feeling satisfied with what they accomplished during the day? This is the question that launched a research project partnered with the University of Ottawa’s Telfer School of Management. The results are astounding. Managers report spending only 55% of their time on value-added work. Purchase this white paper to gain an understanding of the key factors driving this ineffectiveness, and the one key thing that organizations should focus on to improve performance.
Thanks for your interest in our EffectiveManagersTM Resources! We may contact you to ensure you received the product and determine if you have any questions, but your contact information will never be divulged to another party. If you find this information helpful, please spread the word! If you have any questions or comments, please call or email Dwight.
Much has been written about governance and management, and it is well understood that there must be a separation between the governance of an organization and its management. What is not as well understood is that as Not-For-Profit organizations gown and mature, the relationship changes – significantly. What works in one organization may not work well in another. Here is why.
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Effective Managers – Selected Bibliography
Managers are the unsung heroes of organizations. There is no question that the highest performing organizations have effective managers in place. But what would be the best initiatives for you to take in your organization? Of the millions of articles and books that are available, what will give you the best insight? I am often asked this question, and in response have put together this list of the six key books that can guide an organization in improving its performance.
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Complex times call for serious solutions. Dwight’s breadth and depth of experience, knowledge, and organizational know-how are integral in making our solutions work for your organization.