When a vacancy in management opens up, there is a tendency in many organizations to promote the best performer on the team. Although this is common, automatically promoting top performers is often a mistake. In fact, it’s number two on our list of The Top Twelve...
It’s human nature to want to do more than what is possible. Whether it’s what you want to accomplish over the weekend, during the workweek, in your career, or in life, the reality is that you’re not going to be able to do it all at once. Time management systems can...
I recently read an interview in Fast Company on the dismal state of employee engagement in the American workforce. Jim Harter, Ph.D., heads up Gallup’s research on employee engagement. Using 263 research studies across 192 organizations in 49 industries and 34...
One of my first managers once told me, “The perfect is the enemy of the good.” That saying has stuck with me to this day. Essentially, it means that if you waste too much time trying to perfect your work, you can end up being less productive. It is better to do three...
Delegation is at the heart of what managers do. One of the first lessons frontline managers learn is that they will be more effective and get more work done if they delegate than if they try to do everything themselves. Letting go, planning, communicating, and...
In early 2014, American online retailer Zappos announced they would be embracing a new management system known as Holacracy. As a result, the innovative and radical approach has been surrounded by a whirlwind of media hype. Pioneered by entrepreneur Brian Robertson in...
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