Last week we listed the first 6 of the Top 12 fallacies in organizations that get in the way of organizational performance: those fads or ideas that are misconstrued or downright incorrect. Here is the second half of the Top 12 list, which sets the record straight...
There are plenty of theories out there about the most effective ways to run a business, but many of these are misconstrued or downright incorrect, often causing a pendulum effect. It is very easy to run from one fad to the next, chasing the latest great idea, but...
Are employee engagement surveys worth the time it takes to complete them? Can they actually affect positive change in our organizations and do they achieve a high return on investment? You may have your doubts, but evidence suggests that yes, there’s a strong link...
“Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler.” – Albert Einstein Since the recession, the flattening trend has gained momentum. In contrast to the traditional pyramid model, flattened organizations have fewer executive salaries and fewer layers of....
Intended to measure the health of your company, employee engagement surveys are great tools that identify employee issues such as morale, but continued low survey results show that remedial action fails to remedy a lack of engagement and to improve overall...
In 2001, more than 19,500 employees were trapped in one of the world’s biggest corporate scandals. Cheated out of their jobs, billions in stocks and retirement savings, victims of Enron say executives betrayed their trust. Trust is a fundamental component in building...
Complex times call for serious solutions. Dwight’s breadth and depth of experience, knowledge, and organizational know-how are integral in making our solutions work for your organization.