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Managing through Turmoil

Managing through Turmoil

There is so much information about Covid19 coming from so many sources. There is very little about managing through such an unprecedented time of turmoil. Whether you are a CEO/Owner, Executive or Manager, your team members look to you for guidance. Every situation is...

ICMCI and ISO 20700 — A New Standard In Consulting

ICMCI and ISO 20700 — A New Standard In Consulting

ISO 20700, the first services standard published by ISO, sets the baseline for the transparency of service delivery between consultants and clients. It codifies the procedures already in place for Certified Management Consultants, and is a great step in advancing the profession of consulting. Training is now available for CMCs on how to use the ISO 20700 guidelines, and will soon be in place for client organizations.

Dwight Mihalicz MBA, CMC
Complex times call for serious solutions. Dwight’s breadth and depth of experience, knowledge, and organizational know-how are integral in making our solutions work for your organization.

Contact us today!

