Across all sectors and industries, CEOs face tremendous pressure. They’re often expected to create more profit with fewer resources and deliver more results in less time while meeting rising shareholder expectations. Yes, the CEO job is a very complex one. It is the...
Can the CEO ever really take a break or are they always on duty? The CEO is at the pinnacle of the organization and is solely accountable to the board of directors for the entire operations of the organization. For example, think of the CEO of the International Red...
Many organizations are collapsing the traditional pyramid structure. They’re replacing it with a more collaborative and innovative environment called the flat organization. The flat organization is intended to encourage creativity and teamwork. It’s hard to argue...
Canadian People Management Inc. to provide Effective ManagersTM Survey Services. Ontario, Canada. Dwight Mihalicz, President of Effective ManagersTM announced today the signing of an agreement with Canadian People Management Inc, a Canadian management consulting firm....
In this final part of our 101-series on organization design, we’ll examine the consequences of too few layers within a company. The third part of the series explored the opposite phenomenon, which commonly occurs when organizations experience unmonitored organic...
In part one of this series, we examined the science behind the founding principles of effective organizational design. The first main challenge leaders must overcome when establishing and implementing the best design for their organization is to determine the correct...
Complex times call for serious solutions. Dwight’s breadth and depth of experience, knowledge, and organizational know-how are integral in making our solutions work for your organization.