Rewarded with an inspirational trip, the highest performers at a technology company explored monasteries and meditated in Bhutan, the country that replaced the GDP with the Gross National Happiness (GNH) as its economic indicator to measure progress. Balancing...
When I was starting out as a manager, I felt as though I never had enough time to stay on top of my tasks. I worked hard, but I was never able to keep up –I was either overwhelmed, or understaffed. Despite my best efforts, my productivity wasn’t as high as I thought...
“Living in the moment” sounds so free – so unencumbered. But what place does it have in your career? Are you living in the moment, or do you take on stress and work responsibilities that lead you to lose focus? It’s easy to acknowledge the need to live in the moment,...
When was the last time you approached a conflict expecting to do more listening than talking? Author Stephen Covey reminds us that, “Most people don’t listen to understand, they listen with the intent to reply.” Strong communication skills are critical to any...
A common issue with preparing managers is the fact that there isn’t sufficient attention given to the particular skill set and knowledge managers need to be successful. This relates directly to the three capabilities managers need to be effective: The ability to...
Who do managers spend most of their time coaching and training? Do they give it all to their best performers or their worst performers? In most cases, the answer is the worst. Is this the right way for managers to be spending their time? Every effective manager wants...
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