Paul Bertrand is founder of Canadian People Management Inc. which is based out of Pickering, Ontario. His company specializes in organizational effectiveness development through solutions tailored to strengthen his client’s cultures, leadership and teams.
Canadian People Management Inc. to provide Effective ManagersTM Survey Services.
Ontario, Canada. Dwight Mihalicz, President of Effective ManagersTM announced today the signing of an agreement with Canadian People Management Inc, a Canadian management consulting firm.
Managers are running harder than ever, trying to get more done with less, and finding it difficult to focus on their key work. “We found that managers,” said Mr. Mihalicz, “are actually spending only 55% of their time on the value added work”, referring to the research study recently completed by Effective ManagersTM in partnership with the Telfer School of Management at the University of Ottawa.
“We are delighted to have access to this tool for our clients”, said Paul Bertrand, Founder and Senior Consultant of Canadian People Management. “CEOs and Heads of HR now have a tool to determine their current state compared to benchmarks on key organizational effectiveness measures, to help them gain a competitive advantage. I truly believe that the organizations that invest in improving management and workforce effectiveness will have increased business growth and success.”
By engaging managers specifically, the survey seeks to inform by targeting specific leadership issues with indicators where problems may exist. For example, if there are concerns with the implementation of strategic initiatives, these problems will be revealed. Results can offer insight prior to a major change initiative in the organization that can help shape a new organizational design, like a merger or acquisition.
The Effective ManagersTM Survey is a 94-question confidential survey gathers information directly from managers, who can log on to a secure web site to provide their direct input on these measures. Traditional employee surveys require all employers to participate. With this survey, a CEO can get the results with an investment of 20 – 30 minutes of each manager’s time.
CEOs will receive a report which details the findings in their organization, together with benchmark results. Each measure is described in detail to ensure an understanding of what the results mean. The report concludes with the high level findings, customized for their organization, together with the areas of greatest strengths and greatest opportunities. If a CEO can understand the relationships between these measures and effectiveness in their organizations, action can be taken that will improve effectiveness.
“I am delighted that Paul and his organization are joining Effective ManagersTM as a Partner Consulting firm”, said Mr. Mihalicz. “Together we can improve the reach of this amazing assessment tool and help more organizations improve their performance.”
More information on the survey approach, the researchers, and the findings can be found here.
For more information contact:
Dwight W. Mihalicz, MBA CMC | President, Effective ManagersTM
Email: | Mobile: +1 647.283.1096