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There are two main reasons why managers seek improvement in their leadership style. One is because they are passionate about what they do and strive to grow and continually develop throughout their careers. The other reason could be that their current approach to leadership has proven to be ineffective and has threatened their future in the company.

Whether you’re inspired by personal growth and potential career development or motivated by the fear of losing your job, there are strategies to improve your leadership effectiveness. However, execution of these approaches demands your commitment. 

Be Clear About Your Leadership Vision

Some time ago, we asked over 500 people to describe in one word the best manager they ever had. The top words used were inspirational, mentor, supportive, and empowering.

What do you want to be most remembered by as a leader? If you were to retire today, what words would you want to hear from the people you’ve worked with at your send-off party? Do you want to be known for your humor, your ability to manage even the most challenging employees, or your determination to see all your subordinates eventually rise through the ranks? By clarifying your leadership vision, you’re in a better position to map out your journey and stay on course.

Develop Discipline

Ineffective leaders are the ones who lack discipline. They are easily distracted and don’t manage their time well. Taking control and practicing discipline in both your personal and professional life is critical to your success as a leader.

Stick to a routine and commit to what you say you will do such as getting daily exercise or making better food choices. At work, start by being organized, keeping appointments, and always meeting deadlines.

Find a Role Model to Inspire and Mentor You

Some of the greatest leaders in history will tell you that they reached success by working hard for it. However, many of them will go on to reveal that somewhere along their career path, they were guided by someone either directly or indirectly.

While having a mentor who can support you closely and share best practices is ideal, your role model can be someone you read about or follow on the news. Let their success stories motivate you.

Don’t Stop Learning

Keep your mind sharp by always taking the opportunity to learn. With teams becoming increasingly more diverse, study the different backgrounds and approaches that are unique to specific demographics. By having a better understanding, you’ll be prepared to resolve interpersonal conflict more effectively.

Learn from your mistakes. Reframe defeat as the opportunity to learn valuable lessons about yourself and your skills. By allowing yourself to take risks and fail, you are not just improving your leadership but strengthening your character, developing humility, and building your emotional intelligence,

And through continuous learning, you’ll develop vital management skills such as effective delivery of feedback, dealing with difficult employees, and how to empower your team

Email Dwight for a free, confidential discussion about how you can improve your team’s and your organization’s performance.

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