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Dwight will be in touch within 72 hours to assist in begining your journey to a higher performing organization.

In the meantime, check out some of our FREE Webinars below.

Value Added Work: Finding the Zone

Devoting oneself fully to a project without deadlines, timeframes and conflicting priorities is rare. Ironically, it is exactly this lack of constraint that helps ensure a job well done. When I was working on constructing a pine table in my workshop, I ran into an unexpected roadblock. I didn’t treat it as an obstacle, but as an opportunity to take measured and careful steps to improve for the best outcome possible. As I to reflect, I wondered why managers were unable to have the same type of experience. In our work lives, we need to create space to be able to focus on our value-added work. Take the time to listen to this webinar as your zone and make time for that value-added work.

Value-Added Work- Finding the Zone

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The 2 Characteristics of High-Performance Organizations

We know there needs to be clear accountability and authority frameworks in place for work to be properly delegated down and across the organization. And while self-managed teams and flat organizations are all the rage, total empowerment could result in anarchy. Command-and-control rigidity, however, is not ideal either. So why do people in organizations do what others tell them to do? We live in a free society where we decide what we want to do with our time, so what is it that drives people to legitimize the authority of the manager to tell them what to do and how to spend their work hours? There are 2 factors at play here. Watch this webinar as I explore the theory behind each.

The 2 Characteristics of High-Performance Organizations

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3 Reasons Performance Appraisals Don’t Work

In 2002, the Corporate Leadership Council conducted a survey to rank the effectiveness of over one hundred performance drivers. The biggest driver of performance, not surprisingly, was fair and accurate feedback. Yet interestingly, recognizing and rewarding achievement through formal performance appraisals actually reduced performance by one percent. How can that be? How is it that key systems in organizations can work against their intended purpose? Watch this to explore this issue in this thought provoking webinar.

3 Reasons Performance Appraisals Don't Work

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Are Leaders and Managers Different? Its a Moot Point

Henry Mintzberg, a professor in McGill’s Desautels Faculty of Management, has studied and written about managers and managing extensively. He is quoted as saying: “Managers who don’t lead are quite discouraging, but leaders who don’t manage don’t know what’s going on. It’s a phoney separation that people are making between the two.” Learn about the Effective Managers™ approach at this information-packed webinar. Watch it now!

Are Leaders and Managers Different? It’s a Moot Point.

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Building Organizational Trust

Without trust, there cannot be leadership. It is a fundamental component of the manager-direct report relationship. And it matters. The manager is the most important connection that an employee has to the organization. Watch this video to learn what the three key dynamics are and how to leverage them.

Building Organizational Trust

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How To Create and Support Effective Managers

Why do your best managers go home every night, with a full briefcase, feeling badly about what they didn’t get done that day, instead of feeling good about what they did get done? Watch the Webinar to find out now.

Accountability – Does it Matter?

When we talk about accountability in general terms, most of us have some idea of what it means. But from the context of the organization, what is accountability and how is it any different from responsibility? Watch the Webinar and find out!

Engagement Surveys? The Better Way!

Employee engagement surveys typically show that as few as one third of employees are actively engaged at work. Employee engagement surveys are consistently negative, and despite well-intentioned initiatives, organizations typically fail to resolve the situation. So what is the solution? It is important to get beneath the surface of the problem by understanding managerial engagement. This webinar focuses on assessing manager effectiveness – the key link between a CEO and all employees in the organization.

Are You Spending Your Days Doing Your Job – Or Someone Else’s?

Why do your best managers return home every evening feeling bad about what they didn’t get done instead of feeling satisfied with what they accomplished during the day? Despite valiant efforts spent making sure processes are in place and organizational design and systems are right, there is still a tremendous amount of churn in organizations, and managers simply aren’t clear on what it is they need to focus on, and what they need to do their work. Find out the nature of these dynamics are, and how to overcome them.

The 3 Fundamental Capabilities of Managers

How can organizations ensure that they are appointing managers to the right positions? If you are hiring a manager, what are the three fundamental capabilities that they need to have. Managers need to have the capability to work at the level they’ve been assigned. They also need the skills and knowledge required to successfully complete the work. When all of these qualities are working together, balanced and efficient, the magic that makes a truly effective manager can shine through. Find out more at this information-packed webinar.

The Key Factors that Impact Accountability in the Workplace

What does the research have to say and what factors influence the effectiveness of a manager? This Webinar dives more deeply into the key measures in an organization that are related to accountability and to manager effectiveness. It is more technically oriented than most Effective ManagersTM material and will be of interest to those that want to dive deeper into underlying causes.

Why Your Managers Aren’t Managing Effectively (Hint: It’s Not Their Fault)

Effectiveness and productivity are not the same thing. Unfocused activity can result in frustration and wasted resources:

  1. Managers want to do a good job but often aren’t clear on their objectives.
  2. Managers face conflict situations in order to get their work done.
  3. Corporate systems often create more work than they save.

Understand why these things happen in most organizations. Get the high level findings from the Effective Managers™ / Telfer School of Management research project in this information-packed webinar.

How To Create and Support Effective Managers

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Accountability - Does it Matter?

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Engagement Surveys? The Better Way!

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