Everyone at some time in their consulting career will encounter an organizational issue that threatens the success of their effort – and perhaps inadvertently, their reputation.
In our upcoming June 26 webinar, you will be introduced to the nine elements of the Effective ManagersTM organization performance model to help you better manage your consulting projects.
Learn how to better use your existing tools and skills to do a better job of understanding and diagnosing why client organizations are not successfully implementing projects.
I am delighted that CMC Canada has selected me to lead these sessions. Attaining top performance is a balancing act of many different factors. In management consulting, we tend to specialize. This is good, because it means we have deep knowledge that can help clients with specific problems. But we also need to be aware of a broad variety of other factors that can impact on our specialty.
This session is in a two-hour, seminar format to give us time to discuss, share ideas an, yes, to challenge. I will share a model and some insights. But I expect to learn from my colleagues because we have all had different experiences that can help us all grow.
Register for the June 26 Webinar today!
I look forward to the session. This will be followed by three deep-dive sessions to round out the experience in this area. Find out more at the link above.
About the Presenter:
Dwight Mihalicz helps organizations improve performance. He focuses on manger effectiveness, ensuring that all managers, from the CEO to the front line, are focused on their key strategic priorities and have the accountability and authority required for success. Dwight has founded and is President of Effective ManagersTM, a management consulting firm based in Canada, providing services globally. The firm uses the Effective ManagersTM Survey to assess manager effectiveness, and The Effective Point of Accountability® to help organizations focus managers on the right work while breaking down silos. He is also Chair of ICMCI (CMC-Global), of which CMC-Canada is one of its 50 members. More about Dwight’s work is available at: www.effectivemanagers.com
Check out his YouTube channel for free VidCasts and recorded Webinars. And learn more about his upcoming webinar with CMC-Canada on Effective Organizational Management on June 26 here.