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Effective Managers do 5 things incredibly well. They Plan, they Do their value added work, they Set Context and Boundaries, they Delegate, and the set up Feedback loops. Coaching is an invaluable tool for managers in their managerial leadership work, and especially in set context and boundaries and in the feedback loops.

For professionals to grow and develop new skills, mentoring and coaching programs are essential for any team. Coaching has proven to have numerous positive effects on the careers of both the individual being coached and the coach.

When you coach your employees regularly, you will strengthen their skills. And when your employees are equipped with the skills and resources they need to be efficient at their jobs, you can ultimately delegate more tasks to them so that you can focus on your value-added work.

What are the main benefits of coaching employees and how can it improve team’s effectiveness?

Empowers Individuals to Take Accountability

When employees are coached, they build valuable skills and gain knowledge to better perform their jobs. And when they are instructed on how to better perform their jobs, they feel supported and encouraged by the organization to take accountability and feel pride in the role they play in the organization.

Improves Employee Engagement

Coaching is more than just giving feedback and constructive criticism; it is also an invitation by the manager to the employee to engage and open up about their struggles and share what they feel are the roadblocks that keep them from effectively doing their jobs. When employees feel they are given a voice to express their concerns, organizations can recognize if they have played any part in why employees are not meeting their potential.

Identifies High Potential Employees

By coaching individuals, managers can recognize employees who are exceeding expectations and whose skills should be nurtured to promote their growth. When these individuals are identified as high potential, they should be developed so that their talents are not stifled. Coaching isn’t just reserved for those who are struggling to perform but also essential to those who are surpassing others and should be moving up to the next level in their careers.

Improves Individual Performance

Without coaching and mentoring, employees may never be made aware that their performance needs improvement. While each employee needs to be accountable for their own tasks, it is still the manager’s accountability to ensure that each employee has the skills and resources they require to perform their jobs effectively.

Helps Identify Employees Who Are at Risk

When leaders take the time to coach their employees, the one-on-one time allows them to reveal issues that may not have been evident at first glance. Often, when employees are depressed and struggling with burnout or other mental health issues, their performance begins to suffer. By taking the time to coach and mentor individuals, you may recognize the signs of a person who is at risk and may need extra guidance and support.

Ultimately, coaching is critical to the development of employees. But it also greatly benefits those in leadership roles. The more that you coach and mentor the individuals in your team, the more you sharpen your own management skills. Over time, you also learn to approach the unique needs of individuals and how to better manage a diverse team. And by committing to your team’s growth and development, you will ultimately have a team that is more empowered, accountable, and collaborative, and as a result, high performing.

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